
Ever find yourself struggling to poop? 

Here's a formula for healthy bowel movements!


1. Peristalsis & Hydration

When peristalsis - the natural wavelike movement of the colon - is functioning normally, it moves food through the colon in less than 24 hours.

The most important way to stimulate peristalsis is through hydration of the colon.

Constipation is caused by dehydration.

What to do: hydrate the colon by drinking plenty of water.

Here's a trick: magnesium is a gentle mineral that brings water into the colon (instead of purging it out like a laxative would do). Magnesium also relaxes the muscles of the GI tract, making it easier to poop.

Tip: Aloe and rhubarb are gently herbs that naturally stimulate peristalsis.


2. Bulk

The colon requires bulk in order for it to move.

What to do: eat plenty of fiber (30-40g) per day from fresh fruit and veggies, and a fiber supplement.

Here's a trick: A mixture of flaxseed and borage seed fiber provides a balanced 50/50 soluble/insoluble fiber (what we want).

Tip: avoid fibers that are predominantly soluble like psyllium husks. Psyllium absorbs 40x its weight in water, absorbing most of the water in the colon, leaving the colon dehydrated (what we don't want).


3. Lubrication 

The colon also needs some lube.

What to do: eat your healthy fats. There are many good oils like borage, flax and fish oil.

Tip: because fats are difficult to digest, it may be helpful to supplement with a digestive enzyme containing lipase to assist in the proper breakdown of the oils.


In conclusion...

1. Drink plenty of water, add a magnesium powder 1-2x per day

2. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, add a gentle fiber supplement

3. Eat your essential fatty acids, or supplement with an EFA, add a digestive enzyme with meals


4. Exercise daily!


Happy Pooping!


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