Resources - Books, Gut Supplement Protocol, Detailed Training Split

For this week's blog I decided to share some resources with you including:

  1. A few books that have been impactful in my life with nutrition and personal development. Plus what I'm currently reading.
  2. A detailed Training Split that I've used with some clients.
  3. A 3-step gut health supplement protocol.


So here we go!



This is what I'm currently reading. If you'd like to read along, here's the Amazon link.


And four very impactful books that I've read are:

1. The Four Agreements (well, actually the whole series).

2. The Untethered Soul

3. The Autoimmune Solution

4. Get Off Your Acid



Download one of my detailed Five Day Training Splits to your phone and bring it to the gym.

I've used this split with some of my Custom Coaching clients. It's killer. Hope you enjoy it!



Absolutely love this kit by Microbiome Labs. If you create an account under my Fullscript dispensary, you can purchase it and other "practitioner-only" supplements.


Please don't hesitate to share your blog topic suggestions or reach out with any questions.


And lastly, here are some options to TRAIN WITH ME šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ„‘šŸ‘‡


1ļøāƒ£ Subscribe to my IG (new!!) to follow my detailed 3x weekly gym workouts, meal ideas & recipes, coaching discounts, fitness updates & more.

2ļøāƒ£ Check out my Custom Coaching for custom training & nutrition programs. Emphasis on nutrition & accountability to achieve your physical and health goals, with a major focus on gut health & your specific health needs.

3ļøāƒ£ Join the Waitlist for the September 11th challenge for your chance to win $5,000.


Thank you!


It's time to achieve the results you really want

Iā€™ll show you how to connect your body, mind and soul so you can live a healthy, balanced life.

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