Holiday Eating Tips to Stay on Track

Holidays can be stressful for a lot of people.

There's always a food pusher, a judgy aunt, an uncle who tells you how fit he was back in the day (maybe not but we all know someone like that lol), our own inner critic, confusion, temptations, ahhhh, you get it. So let's start to prepare our minds for a calm and enjoyable holiday season.

There are a few ways to navigate the holidays and the only "wrong" way is one that goes against what you set out to achieve. For example, if you really want to stick to your fitness and health goals, but instead you go wild and eat the whole house, you're going to leave feeling crappy. Physically, yes probably that too, but I meant mentally, because you didn't stick to your best hopes and what you had intended. And that feels crappy.

But do you have to stick to your fitness plan and health goals on Thanksgiving and Christmas or whatever your special days are? Absolutely not. We eat healthy and in moderation most of the time so that special events can be enjoyed, and that often means indulging.


So whatever your best outcome is for the holidays is up to you, but having a game plan to stick to it so that you can successfully follow through is what's important.

A) Go off the rails and enjoy foods without restriction, but have a plan to get right back on track the next day. That's the key here. Or

B) Stick to your health goals, and learn how to do that while still enjoying by reading by full blog post here.


If you need some extra help or motivation this holiday season, and want to get ahead of the New Year's resolution crowd, book a free call with me and let's get you started with custom coaching. Or jump straight to the details and registration links here

Winter is my personal favorite time to get in really good shape and having a plan to stick to through the holidays keeps me motivated and on track šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


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